Happy Father's Day from Legacy Pecans, 2018!

Happy Father's Day from Legacy Pecans, 2018!

Happy Father's Day from Legacy Pecans, 2018!

Today we celebrate all Dads!!! Dads have a special place in our hearts, as they are a son’s first hero and a daughter’s first love. Dads teach us how to be strong and courageous. They are a pillar of strength, support and discipline. Their work is endless and, oftentimes, thankless. Each and every day, whether they intend to or not, Dads lead by example.

With Father’s day around the corner, I want to celebrate how my father allowed me the opportunity to live my American dream and cultivate my story to share with the world. I live in a male dominated industry, community and family. I am proud to have found my way to carry on my family’s legacy in my own way, on my own terms, with my own God given gifts. I may not be in the field working, or know all the ins and outs of the irrigation and spraying schedule or know how to prune the trees to maximize efficiency but I do know the heart, determination, hard work and most of all love that it takes to produce a commodity product that is a true labor of love. A commodity product that I am proud to put my family name on, because I know the hardships, challenges, and adversity each individual in my family has had to overcome to provide from the generations to come. I am proud of the values that I learned from my founding fathers, that my friends, is why I am proud to be a #farmersdaughter! Happy Father’s Day to all the dads who believe in their children’s dreams!

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